Saturday, July 7, 2012

22 Months

Dear Connor,

You are 22 months old today! I can't believe you are almost 2 years old. Here is an update on the things you've been doing and learning recently:

-You continue to learn new words every day. The latest ones are sun, moon, rocks, bobo (rainbow), stroller, slippers, cup, sad, itchy, shark, frog, puppy, mouse, cycle (motorcycle), fan, chair, snack, cheese, cereal, sneeze, smee mee (excuse me), all done, all clean, jump, airplane, fay gay (Chinese for airplane), voom (vacuum), mouth, hands, hair, elbow, tummy, burp, straw, yummy, yucky, stairs, drum, sky, yay, hooray, home, soup, shiny, funny, bunny, mango and gai gai (Chinese for chicken).

-You can say, "It's so cool!" which is, well, so cool!

-You've learned the color blue--and only blue. Whenever I ask you what color something is, you always reply, "Blue." Aunt Yuan said her sons also said everything was blue at first. Is this a boy thing?

-You know the word oi neow (Chinese for peeing) and say, "Poo poo!" after you poop. If you could learn to tell me these things before you pee or poop, we could master potty training in no time!

-You can kind of ask the questions, "What should we do?" and "Where did it go?" You hold your hands up in the air and ask, "Do?" and "Go?"

-One of the newest phrases you've picked up is "how about." When I ask you which snack you want to eat or which book you want to read, you scan the pantry/bookshelf and say, "How about . . ." before picking something out. You sound like such an adult!

-You can say your name but when I ask you what it is, you still say, "Me!"

-You can identify and say all of the names of the shapes on your shape puzzle and put all of the pieces in the correct spots. When you see certain shapes in our house or when we're out, you often point them out and call them out by name.

-You can count from 0 to 12.

-You love it when we play our squeeze game. You sit behind me on the couch and wrap your arms around me, I lean back onto you and we both shout, "Squeeze!"

-When I hold my hand out to you and say, "Shake!" you shake my hand. 

-You can blow bubbles with bubble wands.

-You can also blow out candles on a cake and even try to blow out the candles when you see a picture of a birthday cake in one of your books. 

-You love to read and can spend an hour in your room flipping through your books. I have always been a big reader--and was the type of kid who would read with my nightlight long after I was supposed to be asleep--so I am especially proud of you for this!

-You've been into cars, trucks and trains for awhile and have recently become obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. You have a few Thomas books and I made the mistake of letting you watch an episode of "Thomas & Friends" on TV once. Now you constantly point to the TV and say, "Thomas! Thomas!"

-You've suddenly become very shy when you meet new people or when we go to new places. Last week, we had brunch at a restaurant for my birthday and you ran up to the front door of the restaurant but became scared when I opened the door and you saw all of the people inside the lobby. I had to carry you into the party room where my friends were waiting and when you saw all of them, you clung to me and buried your face in my chest. You do this all of the time now but fortunately, you always warm up after about 10 minutes and start running around and chatting with people like your usual friendly, outgoing self.

-Whenever you want to be tickled, you come up to me with a big grin on your face, wiggle your two pointer fingers in the air and say, "Ticka ticka ticka!" It is too cute!


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