Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Day In The Life

Dear Connor,

This is what our day was like today:

7:30am: You wake up and when I go into your room to get you, I find all of your stuffed animals on the floor--as I do every morning. We usually keep them in your crib and you snuggle with them when you go to bed at night but when you wake up in the morning, you always toss them out of your crib and onto the floor. I don't know why you do this every day but all I have to say is, you better treat your future girlfriends with more respect than that! 

8:15am: Daddy leaves for work and I tell you to say goodbye to him. You say, "Bye-bye, see you soon!" We have never heard you say "see you soon" before and spend the next few minutes trying to get you to say it again. You look at us like we're crazy and can't understand why we're so excited. But it was your first three-word sentence! And it was so cute!

8:30am: You have milk, oatmeal and a banana for breakfast.

9am: Even though you have eaten all of your breakfast, you still hijack my breakfast and eat almost half of my bowl of cereal. 

9:30am: You have crumbs all over your clothes, so I take them off and go upstairs to get you a clean outfit. When I come back downstairs, I find that you have discovered your nipples and are squeezing and pinching them gleefully. I run to get my camera to capture this hilarious moment of self-discovery.

10am: You want to listen to your Elmo music CD yet again but I think my ears may actually start bleeding if I have to hear "Elmo's Song" one more time so I tell you that Elmo is on vacation and play your Mickey Mouse CD instead. You're fine with this and happily sing along to Mickey's version of "Zip-a-dee-doo-da."

11am: We leave the house to walk to your music class at Gymboree. Every time you see a bus, you get really excited, point at it and scream, "BUS!!!"

11:30am: You never sit still during music class and today is no different. You run around like crazy and actually knock two different boys over at various points during class. When you were little, I used to panic about big kids accidentally knocking you over and now I panic because you are the big kid accidentally knocking little kids over. I'm not sure which one is worse.

12:30pm: After class, we go to Gymboree's open gym time and you run around for another half hour, thankfully with no more collisions. You can now climb up all of the ladders by yourself with ease, which you had not been able to do the last time we went to open gym a couple of weeks ago. I am proud of you but also like that you still occasionally reach out for my hand when you're feeling a bit unsure on a particular surface. I'm not ready for you to completely independent from me yet! 

1pm: We get seaweed rice balls from the Japanese market down the street and eat them on a nearby bench. 

2pm: When we get back home, I leave you downstairs while I use the bathroom. When I come back downstairs, it's very quiet and I know you've done something you shouldn't have. And I'm right: you found my name stamp on the mail table and have stamped my name all over your left hand. I freak out a little because the ink does not immediately wash off--but at least everyone will now know who you belong to! 

2:30pm: You take a nap. I intend to do chores while you sleep but I lay down on the couch to rest for a little bit and end up falling asleep myself. When I wake up, it is almost 4pm, whoops! I probably shouldn't have revealed that, though--I always tell my non-mom friends how much work it is taking care of a toddler and I don't think they will sympathize with me anymore if they know I occasionally take midday naps. 

4:30pm: You wake up from your nap and eat a hard-boiled egg and a small bowl of sweet potatoes. I also give you a handful of Cheerios but instead of eating them with your hands, you bend over your highchair tray and pick each Cheerio up with your mouth, as if you are a bird. Um, all right. 

5pm: We read several books (you have memorized many of them and can recite certain parts from memory when I get to them in the book) and play with your shape, number and letter puzzles (you know all of your shapes and numbers but letters are still a challenge for you, I guess because there are so many to remember). We have a pillow fight and you crack up every time I throw a pillow on top of you. 

6pm: I make dinner: a grilled veggie burger and sauteed spinach for me, fish nuggets and pureed spinach for you. I give you strawberries and blueberries for dessert but you are more interested in squishing them with your fingers than eating them.

7pm: You are sitting at the dining table while I clean up the kitchen and start banging the table with your hands for fun. You hit the table a little too hard, though, and hurt your hands. When you have a booboo, you usually run to me and ask me to kiss it for you. This time, you whimper a little, look at the palms of your hands and kiss each one yourself. Awww, you can comfort yourself now! 

8pm: I take a shower and then give you a bath. We sing songs and play with your tugboat. Daddy gets home and admires your rockin' shampoo mohawk.

9pm: We snuggle in your rocking chair, read a few books and build dinosaurs with your Legos. When I pick you up for our goodnight hug and kiss, you are so tired that you point to your crib and say, "down" (as in, "please put me down"). I oblige, blow you a kiss and say my nightly mantra to you: "Good night! Sweet dreams! I love you and will see you in the morning." 

See you in the morning, buddy. I can't wait to have another fun day with you!


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