Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Time

Dear Connor,

You experienced several "firsts" over the past few days:

-You just learned a lot of new words: it's stuck (you say this whenever anything is stuck and/or broken), clock, back (when I ask you where your back is, you look over your shoulder, say "back" and try to touch your back), knee, toes, house, where, step, look, bike, boat, saur (dinosaur), bear, bug, poo-poo, door, nap, heart and taxi (a word every true New Yorker needs to know!)

-Yesterday, I turned on an episode of "Team Umizoomi" (We still have a no-TV rule in our house but the one exception is that you can watch while I brush your teeth. You hate brushing your teeth and I have to wrestle with you to do it and I just do not have the energy to wrestle with you anymore so now I turn to the magic box to transform you into the hypnotized zombie baby I need you to be while I clean your little chompers.) and you were so excited that you literally jumped up in the air. You'd been trying to jump for a couple weeks now but your feet could never make it off the ground until yesterday. I am very proud of you but will also miss watching your amusing, bouncy almost-jumps. 

-Daddy and I took you to your first art class today where you were introduced to the awesomeness of Play-Doh (you enjoyed rolling it into a ball and then smashing it flat) and painting with real paint (your teacher was very impressed and even compared your creation to Picasso's work). Unfortunately, you also had your first in-class meltdown when you kept wanting to push the classroom chairs around and we wouldn't let you. You cried and screamed so much that we had to take you out of the class early and you didn't get a chance to play with the stickers and glue. You missed out, buddy. 

-You've always called me "mama" but you were in your stroller while we were in line at a bakery this morning and you wanted me to kneel down and talk to you so you called out, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" You then called me "mommy" the rest of today so I guess we have made the switch. I liked "mama" but "mommy" sounds really sweet when you say it, too. 

-You were so tired today that you actually fell asleep in the tub while I was giving you a bath. I'm sorry I had to wake you up. I know you were startled and confused when you woke up and found yourself naked and covered in soap bubbles. It was the first time you fell asleep during your bath and probably also your first "Wtf?" moment. 


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