Monday, April 16, 2018

Super Star

Dear Connor,

Your teachers pick a "Star of the Week" every week and on Friday, they picked you! As Star of the Week, you were entrusted with Boris the Bear, your teacher's teddy bear. You brought him home for the weekend and took him wherever you went. Then you wrote about your adventures in the shared class journal. I read the journal and Boris has been everywhere from Bryant Park to Chuck E. Cheese; he even accompanied one of your classmates on a long weekend trip to Philadelphia (btw, your super germophobe mama slightly cringed every time you touched Boris because while Boris was cute, he also did not look like he had been washed in awhile). On Saturday, Boris came with us while we went to the dentist, had lunch at Panera and picked up some things at Target.

Our Target run with Boris was the best and I will tell you why! You put Boris in the child's seat in the shopping cart and strapped him in. Then while we were shopping, you came with me to get cereal from the food section of the store while Daddy went to the cleaning supplies section. I didn't even think about it but that meant Daddy, a grown man, was on his own in Target and pushing a teddy bear around in his shopping cart. Hahahaha! Daddy pointed out what a funny sight he had been after we met up again and he told us how a couple had walked by him, pointed at Boris and said, "He's cute!" Hahahaha! That made me laugh for so, so long!

You were so excited to hang out with Boris this weekend and I am so happy with my Star of the Week!


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