Monday, April 23, 2018


Dear Connor,

You began reading on your own shortly after you turned 5 years old and you have grown into such a voracious reader, which has made me so proud. You love getting books as presents and look forward to our trips to the library. I catch you reading dozens of times every day: before breakfast, after breakfast, when you're waiting for Daddy to take you to school, when you come home from school, before dinner, after dinner . . . you get the picture! And you are a fast reader. I gave you a copy of Pippi Longstocking on Saturday and you had finished it two hours later!

Your favorite series are Magic Tree House, Boxcar Children (I read that one when I was your age!), Diary of a Wimpy Kid and especially Captain Underpants (what 7-year-old boy can resist all that potty humor? :-P ). You also like the My Weird School books and The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novels (I loved the BSC series when I was in elementary school and while it's cool that you now read them, too, it's funny/interesting/sad that they turned my beloved books into comics).

MuiMui learned how to read on her own this year and she shares your big appetite for books. She loves the Fancy Nancy series and also likes DC Super Hero Girls, The Baby-Sitters Club and Captain Underpants. And while I couldn't be happier that I am raising such great readers, I don't like how hard it can be to get you guys to, well, stop reading. I went to the library today while you were in school and picked up Captain Underpants and Fancy Nancy books that you and MuiMui hadn't read yet. I put them on the foyer bench and when you two came home and saw them, you were so excited! You and MuiMui scooped them up and thanked me with huge grins on your faces. You then both sat on the bench and read for an hour. A whole hour! And it would have been longer but I said you guys needed to shower and start your homework. Then I said it again and I said it a third time and neither of you could tear yourselves away from the new books! In our house, I actually have to yell the ridiculous-sounding threat, "If you don't stop reading, you're going to be in big trouble!"

Haha! But I will take it. There are worse things than trying to get you guys to put down a good book!


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