Monday, June 16, 2014

Preschool Interview

Dear Connor,

You will be starting preschool this fall and you had your first official preschool interview this morning at a school near our house. Daddy and I were a little nervous because you've always been so active and hyper and we weren't sure how you'd behave when meeting the school principal. Would you sit still? Answer her questions? Show her how lucky the school would be to have you? Happily, the answer to all of those is yes!

You impressed Daddy and me by sitting quietly in the chair while the principal told us about the school, answering her politely when she asked you about the things you like to do and being the very nice, sweet boy that you are. Near the end of the interview, though, after the principal had offered you a spot (you actually got the last available one!) and was showing us the preschool classrooms, you did start to get a little restless and began running around in circles in the hallway, so Daddy and I quickly thanked the principal for her time, told her we are so excited for you to start in September and got you out of there before she could change her mind about you, haha!


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