Monday, September 2, 2013

Time for Undies!

Dear Connor,

Potty training you has been a long, long, looooong process. That is partially my and Daddy's fault. Having heard so many potty training horror stories from other parents (Constant trips to the bathroom? Puddles of pee everywhere? Cleaning poop out of underwear? No thank you!), we didn't even attempt to potty train you until you were two-and-a-half (some parents start when their kids are 18 months, those overachievers!). You first sat on the potty back at the end of November of last year and that is initially all you did--you sat on it. It took 10 days before you actually peed while you were sitting on the potty and when you finally did, you thought you'd done something wrong and said, "Oh no! Yellow!" when you saw the pee in the toilet.

Daddy and I cheered for you and rewarded you with a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker when you peed in the potty, but a month went by and you didn't pee in the potty again, not even once. Uncle Tony had given you the Cheer For Me potty I'd mentioned in the last post so we tried using it instead of the big potty; maybe you would be more comfortable on a smaller potty and be encouraged by the fact that the Cheer For Me cheers and sings every time you go in it (a hilarious feature, by the way!). And you did go in it a couple times, but then you just stopped. One time, you were sitting on it when you suddenly had to pee but instead of peeing in the potty, you jumped up, started crying, held in your pee and refused to go in the potty. When you couldn't hold it any longer, you ended up peeing on the floor--and on my feet. Ew. 

We switched you back to the big potty in the bathroom (you couldn't hop off of it as easily and we wouldn't have the "lovely" task of cleaning pee and poo out of the potty seat) and put you on it many, many times. Sometimes you peed and pooped; sometimes you didn't. Sometimes you had no problem going in it; sometimes you cried and refused to go in it. Cheering for you, giving you Thomas stickers, rewarding you with M&M's--nothing really worked consistently. But then, but then. In April of this year, you started peeing every time we put you on the potty. And by June, you were completely potty trained for poop--you no longer pooped in your diaper but said, "I have to poop!" every time you had to and waited until you were on the potty to go. I was so proud! (By the way, I didn't take any photos of your first pee or poop in the toilet like some parents do, so if you wanted to see that, well, too bad). 

You were still frequently peeing in your Pull-Ups, though, so everyone--my mommy friends, PoiPoi, even your teacher at camp--told me that I had to put you in underwear to complete the potty training process. But puddles of pee everywhere! Cleaning poop out of underwear! I don't want to deal with that! I don't have time to deal that while taking care of your sister, too! But I would like to potty train you by the time you are 3 (and your birthday is literally five days away) so I did it, I bit the bullet and put you in underwear today. You were visibly excited about this:

I was expecting the worst, but you only had one accident today (it was while Daddy was yelling at you after you'd done something bad, so he probably scared the pee out of you!) and even told me that you had to go pee three times. You are a potty training rock star!


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