Friday, February 27, 2015

New Sibling

Dear Connor,

So . . . you and MuiMui are getting a new sibling in June! You've known about the baby for awhile now--you were actually the first person I told and knew even before Daddy--and you are excited. You have already decided that we should name the baby Pudding Apple Chan (it has a nice ring to it!) and are fascinated by my growing belly and the fact that my belly button has popped out. We have regular conversations about your new sibling, including this hilarious one today:

You: Is the baby never going to come out? [I know that to you, it must seem like I've been pregnant forever!]
Me: No, it's going to come out in June.
You: How do you get it out?
Me: Mommy is going to go to the hospital and the doctors are going to help me. I have to push it out.
You: Push it out?
Me: Yeah. You know how you push when you poop? It's kind of like that.
You (looking bewildered and then concerned): You don't want the baby to fall in the toilet!

Haha! No, we definitely don't want that!


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