Thursday, August 15, 2013

Too Kwoo

Dear Connor,

Every day, I am amazed by how extensive your vocabulary and conversational skills have become over the past year. You know what a dodecahedron is, for goodness sake (thank you, Team Umizoomi!). And when you turned two years old, your most impressive sentences were phrases like "Connor do it" and "take off my bib." Then you gradually started stringing sentences and thoughts together, such as "It's dark in here. Turn on the light, Mommy." And now as an almost-three-year-old, you and I can have lengthy conversations about anything from freight trains to chicken nuggets.

That being said, you can't yet pronounce certain words and it's hard for some people to understand what you're saying, so I've prepared a few translations:

noosic = music
sil-duh-wul = cereal
acahdo = avocado
it's so kwoo = it's so cool
Ow-ex = Alex
Ehw-in = Erin
Wie-wah = Lila
Izzabit = Elizabeth
wahwipop = lollipop (so yeah, the letter l completely escapes you!)
hossible = hospital
amulence = ambulance

Hehe :)


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