Thursday, August 9, 2012

Love Bite

Dear Connor,

Our dog Mochi is half German Shepherd and half Labrador, so he is a BIG dog. He is pretty gentle and laidback for the most part but he can be aggressive from time to time so even though I'm not afraid of him, I have always been a tiny bit afraid that he might bite me one day if he gets too worked up (you never know with dogs, no matter how friendly they are). But it turns out that I should have worried less about Mochi and more about you--you bit me today!

I was standing at the kitchen island cutting grapes in half for you and you were hugging my leg. You began nuzzling your face against my thigh and then--ouch! I felt a sudden sharp pain in my leg because you had sunk your little vampire fangs into my thigh! I screamed out in both pain and surprise, which scared you so much that you burst into tears (I had to hold you for several minutes before you calmed down and found it extremely ironic that I had to console you after you bit me!).

I wasn't mad at you because I know you didn't bite me out of anger. You just did it for fun but it wasn't fun for me! When I lifted my shorts to see the damage, I saw blood and your teeny, tiny teeth marks on my leg. Geez, Connor! Good thing you got all of your shots!


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