Friday, May 18, 2012

Word Explosion

Dear Connor,

I like to talk. A lot. There have been many a night when Daddy is tired and just wants to go to sleep but he can't because I am laying next to him in bed, blabbing away about funny things you did that day or an interesting story I saw on the news or a random tidbit that someone just posted on Facebook (may you never become addicted to Facebook--or even know what Facebook is). I am a chatterbox, which is a quality I have seemingly passed onto you because you have been quite the talker ever since you were about three months old. Back then, you would spend hours uttering nonsensical things like "Gadoo a gur duh." But then you said your first word ("mama"!) when you were almost a year old and you have been picking up new words ever since, especially during these past two months when you have suddenly learned a slew of new words. They include: 

-no more (you always hold your palms up when you say this, too), egg, ball, share, hug (you request one by saying "hug" and stretching your arms out to people), whoa, two, five, eight, the letters V and X, car, truck, hat, shoes, feet, ears, mouth, circle, oval, down, over there, moo, meow, neigh, tutu (turtle), book, cake, hot, go, outside, key, bot (for robot) and baby

One key phrase that you have recently learned is "no no touch" because I probably say it to you so much (will you please stop trying to play with the stove knobs whenever we're in the kitchen??). It's especially funny when you're near something you know you're not allowed to touch--like Daddy's phone--because you'll point at it, shake your head and say, "no no touch" over and over again. That's right, little guy! Thanks for being so obedient!

You have learned a few words in Cantonese as well:

-gai dan (egg), fa fa (flower), sui sui (water), sai sow (wash hands), PoiPoi (when PoiPoi calls and you hear her voice on the phone, you shout out "PoiPoi" and she loves it every time!), bao bao (bread) and my personal favorite: ai yah. That last one officially makes you Chinese, hehe :)

And these are technically sound effects rather than words, but you also say "uh huh" (you went from saying "no" to everything I ask you to saying "uh huh" to everything), "achoo" after someone sneezes or coughs (even if it's you!) and "awww" when you hug me or your stuffed animals. Too cute!


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