Saturday, April 7, 2012

19 Months

Dear Connor,

You turned 19 months old today! I still think of you as my little baby (and let's be honest, I always will) but you are already such a big boy who can do so many big boy things:

-You have added a lot of new words to your vocabulary over the past few weeks: cookie (you say "coco"), duck, quack, baa (for sheep), eye, belly button (you point to your belly button and say "beh beh"), car and sit (you often say it to Mochi, I guess because you hear Daddy and me saying it to him all of the time!). When you want me to pick you up, you hold your arms out toward me and say "up" and when you pee or poop in your diaper, you tap your crotch and say "duh-tee" (dirty). I am especially proud of the fact that I just taught you how to say please; you say it like "peas" in this adorable soft-spoken voice.

-When you're so tired that you actually want to nap, you let me know by walking over to the spot on the couch where you always take your naps and laying your head down on it. 

-You love to dance and have some seriously awesome dance moves. My favorites are when you wiggle your butt and this hilarious one where you walk and squat to the beat of the music. 

-You love coconut water and yogurt smoothies. If I'm drinking one, I try to share it with you but you always end up hogging it all to yourself. Thanks a lot. 

-Daddy and I bought you a lot of gender-neutral toys but the whole boys-love-cars thing must be innate because you love to play with cars now. Sometimes, you even pretend pieces of your food are cars and push them across your high chair tray and say "choo choo." 

-You continue to be the friendliest baby ever! When Daddy was at the dentist last week, you and I were waiting for him in the waiting room and you walked up and said hi to every single person who came into the waiting room. Your friendliness is cute but we do have to have the stranger talk with you soon.

-When I'm mixing something in my KitchenAid mixer, you like to look into the bowl and imitate the mixer's circular motion by moving your upper body in a circular motion. So funny!

-In addition to teaching you colors, numbers, the letters of the alphabet and useful things like that, I have taught you to push your cheeks in so that your lips pucker like a fish whenever I say, "Fish face!"

I love you more and more every day, sweetie.


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