Friday, March 16, 2012

Mr. Clean

Dear Connor,

Toddlers are messy and you are definitely not an exception. You have a playpen where I'd like you to keep your toys but you prefer to scatter them all around the living room, dining room and kitchen. When you're sitting in your highchair, you enjoy throwing pieces of food onto the floor. You get cookie crumbs everywhere. I think I spend about 70% of every day cleaning up after you, especially since I like to keep things very clean. But you know what? I think you do, too. Because as messy as you are, you have learned to pick up after yourself. You put your toys and books away when Daddy or I sing the clean-up song and when you find a crumb or bit of food on the floor, you pick it up, say "Ooooo!" and bring it over to me. And today, when you knocked over my water bottle and spilled water on the floor, you grabbed a paper towel and started wiping up the water. Thank you for being such a good little cleaner!


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