Monday, December 26, 2011

Perfect Present

Dear Connor,

You received a lot of great gifts for Christmas (and wow, you are still loving that wrapping paper tube) but you have been giving me amazing gifts every day since you were born. My current favorite is the way your face lights up when you see me come into the room and how you immediately toddle over to me and hug my leg. The very best gift, though, is watching you grow up into such an incredible little person. You are so smart (you just learned how to say "apple" and when you see a picture of an apple in one of your books, you say "apoh" and try to bite it, hehe) and so funny (for some reason, you recently started pulling your foot up to your mouth and kissing your toes) and so friendly (we went to a restaurant on Monday and you said "hi" to every single person who walked by our table--seriously, every single person). You are the best gift ever. 


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