Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Big 1-5

Dear Connor,

You are 15 months old today! I cannot believe how fast you are growing up. When you were born, you were this tiny five-pound peanut who couldn't do anything but eat, poop, cry and sleep. Now, you are tipping the scales at 23 pounds and talented at so many things. Here's what you can currently do:

-You can walk completely on your own. You occasionally do the drunken-sailor wobble but you are usually pretty stable on your legs. And quick! You can also walk and clap at the same time and walk and drink from your sippy cup at the same time. Way to multi-task!
-You know how to climb down from the couch. When I sit you on the couch, you roll over onto your tummy and shimmy off the couch feet first. You are too smart for your own good.
-Your first words were mama and mum-mum (your favorite crackers are called Mum-Mums). To your vocabulary you have added hi, bye, nai nai (milk), na na (banana), uh-oh (I say it all the time because you are always getting into trouble!) and--much to Daddy's excitement--dada! You also say "wa ish dis" a lot when you see new objects and I'm pretty sure you're saying "what is this?"
-You give the BEST hugs!
-When I say, "Connor, kiss!" to you, you kiss me on the cheek (or chin, nose, lips or eyelid. Your aim is kind of random).
-When people wave bye-bye, you wave bye-bye back to them. Last week, you waved hello for the first time to the Chinese food delivery guy who came to our house.
-You are really good at making a HUGE mess at every mealtime. Feeding you used to be easy. I'd put a spoonful of food in your mouth and you would swallow it. Now, I put the spoonful of food in your mouth and you insist on spitting it back out, smooshing it between your fingers and then popping it back into your mouth (ew). Sometimes you throw the food on the floor and sometimes you wipe it on the high chair, across your face, in your hair or all of the above. Consequently, we go through a LOT of paper towels every day.
-You can make phone calls. You love playing with my cell phone and a few times, you went into my address book and called Daddy, PoiPoi and Aunt Elizabeth. One time, you hit the emergency key for 911 but I grabbed the phone away from you before it rang. I don't let you play with my phone anymore.
-You can charm the pants off of anyone. You are pretty friggen cute so a lot of people (mostly women) come up to us when we go out and coo and giggle over you. Then when you flash them your megawatt smile, they instantly become putty in your hands. This includes me.


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