Thursday, August 14, 2014

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Dear Connor,

Your obsession with planes, trains, automobiles, buses, trucks, rocket ships and basically anything with wheels or wings began right before you turned 2 years old and is still going strong now that you're almost 4. When you were 2 and riding in the car with Daddy and me, you'd scream out whenever you saw a big vehicle on the road next to us: "TRUCK! TRUCK! Mommy, TRUUUUUCK!" Now, you still do the same thing, except you are more specific: "FLATBED TRUCK! SCHOOL BUS! CAR TRANSPORTER! Mommy, look! GARBAGE TRUCK! GARBAGE TRUCK! GARBAGE TRUUUUUCK!" (You are also way louder now, too, FYI).

It's funny how you fulfilled this boy stereotype and just naturally gravitated toward all things that move, even when Daddy and I didn't really do anything to encourage it (we bought you toy cars, sure, but also lots of gender-neutral toys like musical instruments, too). And it's really cute to see your face light up and to practically feel the excitement emanating from your body when a fire truck comes down the street or a helicopter flies overhead. There is an overpass above several train tracks that is not too far from our house and you love it when I take you there to watch all the trains go by. You could spend hours there and are so happy when a train zooms past, especially when the train operator sees you and blows the whistle to say hi to you. It's so sweet to see how much joy such a simple thing brings you.

And then there was the day they were repaving our street a couple of weeks ago. You sat on the steps outside our house, ate a snack and watched the asphalt pavers, steam rollers and dump trucks go up and down the street all afternoon. Gotta love such good free entertainment!


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