Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Funny Business

Dear Connor,

If laughter is the best medicine, I will never get sick because you make me laugh all of the time! You are such a funny little guy and you do so many things that crack me up. For example, your latest thing is climbing into your toy box (which you barely fit into), sitting down in it and piling your toys on top of you. I once found you sitting in the box, buried under a bunch of Mega Bloks and leaning back with your arms flung over the side of the box as if you were in a hot tub.

Also funny is the way you constantly say "uh-oh." You say it when it makes sense (like when you drop your sippy cup on the floor) but you also say it when it doesn't make sense (like when I turn on the radio). One time, you were holding my phone when it started ringing. You exclaimed "uh-oh," shook my phone up and down several times and then put it to your ear (yep, you recently learned to put phones--both mine and your toy ones--to your ear. Today, I also watched you put the video monitor to your ear). And as an offshoot to "uh-oh," you just learned how to say "oh no" and you say it in such a dramatically low, sad voice that always makes me giggle.

Especially hilarious is how you now imitate everything you see Daddy and me do. When I dance to a song on the radio, you sway your hips from side to side and dance along with me. If Daddy and I burst out laughing, you open your mouth as wide as you can and laugh, too, as if you also understand the joke. And the other day, I was scolding Daddy and you went up to him, shook your finger at him and angrily said, "Da da da da da!" to him in the same tone of voice I'd been talking to him in. 

And finally, you have started to pick your nose and then stick your finger in your mouth. It's gross. But also kind of funny.


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