Friday, October 7, 2011

Kiss It And Make It All Better

Dear Connor,

It was a rough week. Daddy was working on a big project at work and came home really late every day, so it was mainly just you and me all week. Of course, I love you and me time but sometimes it's difficult to enjoy you and me time when I also have to make time to cook, do the dishes, fold the laundry, wash your toys and clean the floor over and over again because someone (ahem, Connor) thinks it's fun to eat half the food Mommy puts on his highchair tray and fling the other half onto the floor. It's also hard to get all of those things done because you, being the attached little guy that you are, still scream and cry whenever I leave your side. I know you just want me to stay close because you love me but I can't always stay close and listening to your sobs is painful but also frustrating, especially when I feel as if I can't get anything done and I haven't had time to eat anything all day.

None of this is your fault. Babies are a lot of work and taking care of one, especially with no one else to help, is really stressful. So Mommy cried today. While you were crying in your playpen, Mommy went to the bathroom, shut the door and cried, too. I wonder, do you feel better after you've had a good cry? If not, you'll see when you get older that sometimes crying can make you feel better. After I cried for a few minutes, I felt better and went back downstairs to get you.

I was still a little upset when Daddy came home from work today (at a reasonable hour, thankfully) and told him that taking care of you on my own all week had been so exhausting that I had cried. Daddy then asked you why you'd been so difficult and that you should say sorry to me. And at that second, you leaned over and kissed me on the cheek! You had never kissed me on the cheek before and I don't know how you learned how to do that (I guess from seeing Mommy and Daddy do it all the time?) but it melted my heart. You then kissed me two more times and flashed me your sweet smile and I instantly forgot about the horrible, no good, very bad week.


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