Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Treat

Dear Connor,

While getting bucketfuls of free candy was undoubtedly the highlight of your--and every kids'--Halloween, my favorite part about yesterday was seeing how thoughtful you are.

You love your sweets (your favorites are Snickers, Tootsie Rolls and butterscotch Dum-Dums) and--again, like every kid--set out yesterday to collect as much Halloween loot as possible. We began trick-or-treating shortly after you and MuiMui got out of school, but our friend Brian and his daughter JoJo couldn't start until later on. They joined us around 4:30pm and when you saw JoJo's empty trick-or-treat bucket, you immediately threw a big handful of your candy into it without anyone even asking you to. I was so touched and am so proud of you for being so kind.

We trick-or-treated for two hours and when we got home, you wanted to share more of your candy, so you and MuiMui sat on our front steps and paid it forward by giving away your candy to trick-or-treaters. Since it was later on in the evening, many of the trick-or-treaters were older kids in middle school, so it was kind of funny to see a second grader giving his Halloween candy to eighth graders. You and MuiMui had a lot of fun passing out candy but that part of the evening wasn't completely altruistic--whereas you gave JoJo candy you do like (I saw you toss her some Snickers and Mott's fruit snacks), you told me in between trick-or-treaters, "I'm giving them the candy I don't like so it won't go to waste." Smart!

Sorting your loot at the end of the night


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