Saturday, August 15, 2015

Chocolate Party

Dear Connor,

You still have a serious love affair with chocolate so you can imagine how excited you were when we went to your friend Owen's make-your-own-chocolate birthday party today! The party took place in a candy store and you were as happy as, well, a kid in a candy store! When we arrived, a woman gave you a small cube of chocolate. Then you won candy during a trivia game. After the game, all of the kids helped pour chocolate into molds they'd each picked out (you picked a truck). While the chocolate molds were hardening in the freezer, you all were given empty boxes and told to fill them up with candy from the store (you filled yours to the brim with hard candy and also stuffed in about eight lollipops, so you couldn't even close the top of the box!), Then you enjoyed pretzel sticks and marshmallows you'd dipped in the chocolate fountain. After that, you decorated your chocolate truck with colored icing.

Was that the end of the party? Nope! After a brief pause from the sugar rush to have pizza, all of the kids were each given a cookie that they put through the chocolate enrober and then of course ate. Am I done yet? Nope! It's not a birthday without cake and Owen had a giant chocolate one--which you actually refused! When they woman gave you a slice of cake, you didn't even touch it and told me that you were full. You know there's been too much chocolate when even Connor doesn't want anymore!


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