Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wet Day

Dear Connor,

Well, today was a wet day in more ways than one. It was raining pretty hard when I picked you up from school this afternoon, which wasn't fun. I had to push MuiMui in her stroller with one hand and hold an umbrella with the other all while helping you with your umbrella, too (you have a kids' umbrella, but after a couple blocks, you always complain that it's too heavy to hold). That was a big enough challenge and then you said you had to pee. There are no public restrooms between your school and our house so you had to go behind a tree. So there I was: holding the stroller with one hand, holding your umbrella over you with my other and attempting to hold my own umbrella over me with my neck and shoulder while rain poured down on us. The icing on the cake? It was windy, too, and while you peed a steady stream of pee, the wind blew it onto your arm and also onto me.

Even better? When we finally arrived home, I picked Lila up out of her stroller only to find that her diaper had leaked and her pants and the stroller seat were soaked with pee. Yay.


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