Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Verbal Gems

Dear Connor,

You are constantly cracking me up with the funny things that come out of your mouth. Here are some recent gems:

-I read "The Three Little Pigs" to you one morning but I think you misheard me because afterward, you kept saying, "I'm going to huff, I'm going to puff, I'm going to blow your hair down!" and then blowing my and your sister's hair. 

-While PoiPoi was changing MuiMui's diaper, you walked up, looked at MuiMui and exclaimed, "Oh no! I can't see MuiMui's penis!" Guess it's time for your first biology lesson!

-After Daddy changed one of your diapers, I asked you if you had pooped. You replied, "Yeah, I pooped. It was the biggest poop I ever seen!" Yikes, then I'm glad Daddy changed your diaper instead of me!

-Whenever you go in the potty, I cheer for you so now you do the same for me. You sit right outside of the bathroom (you'd sit right next to the toilet if I didn't make you wait by the door!) and when I pee, you shout, "Yay, Mommy did it! Mommy pee pee in the potty! I'm so proud of you! Come here, come here, give you big hug!" Then you stretch your arms out and try to hug me, which I appreciate, but geez, can you let me wipe my butt and wash my hands first? 

-It was really warm today so I put on one of my summer dresses before I took you out for a walk. When you saw me, your face lit up and you said, "Mommy look just like a princess!" Best compliment I ever received!


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