Friday, September 7, 2012

You're Two Years Old!

Dear Connor,

GongGong was cleaning his basement the other day and found an old photo of me when I was two years old. GongGong said he hadn't seen that photo in years and was especially struck by it because the little two-year-old girl in it has grown up and now has her own two-year-old. Happy birthday, Connor! You turned 2 years old today and I couldn't be prouder to be the mom of such an amazing little boy. 

This was a big year for you. You learned how to walk. You learned how to use utensils and drink from a cup. Your vocabulary exploded and you learn dozens of new words every week. You know all of your letters and can sing most of the alphabet song (minus an H here and an R there). You can count to 20 (though you say "twenty" instead of "eleven" so you count like this: "nine, ten, twenty, twelve . . . nineteen, twenty!"). You can identify a dozen shapes and most of your body parts. You can name a few dozen animals and imitate the sounds they each make (your impression of a chicken always makes me laugh). The concept of colors still seems to be a challenge for you but you know blue, purple, yellow and green. 

You have learned so many things, including--unfortunately--how to throw a monster tantrum. The terrible twos are not just a myth in our household and you actually got a head start on them when you were about 18 months old. You are such a cheerful little guy but that changes the second I refuse to give you another cookie when you've already had three, or take away something you're not supposed to play with or tell you it's time to leave the bookstore. You scream. You yell. You cry. You throw things. You throw yourself on the ground and flail around like a crazy person. Sometimes you get so mad, you even try to hit me. Dealing with you when you get like this . . . yeah, it's not fun.

But temper tantrums are to be expected and what is fun is watching you become such an incredible person. You are so smart and pick things up so quickly. You are so curious and want to explore everything. You are polite, always saying "peas" (please) and "ankyoo" (thank you) and sharing your toys with others (most of the time). You are loving and affectionate and totally make my day when you give me one of your sweet kisses or tight hugs. You are so active and energetic (seriously, can you share some of your endless energy with me?). And best of all, you are so full of joy. You are always smiling and laughing and looking at the world around you with big, bright eyes. That's my favorite quality about you and I hope it is one that you will always possess. 

Happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you more every day. 


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