Dear Connor,
All moms will say this about their babies but in my case, it is totally true: You are the cutest baby ever! You were already doing a bunch of adorable things right after you were born, like pursing your lips into the "Blue Steel" pose (that's why all your aunties and uncles called you "Zoolander Baby") and waving your arms around as if you were conducting a symphony orchestra.
And the cuteness has kept on coming! Here are just a few of the many cute things you do now:
-You look so proud when you accomplish something for the first time, like holding your own fork and using it to feed yourself. Your eyes light up and you absolutely beam.
-You often point your finger up in the air and wag it around when you talk. You look so commanding and authoritative! PoiPoi saw a video of you doing that and said you're going to be President of the United States one day.
-I guess you got the pointing and wagging thing from me. I point and wag my finger at you when I'm reprimanding you and sometimes you point and wag and go "da da da da!" back at me. I can't believe you are already talking back to me!
-You are strangely fascinated by my belly button. Whenever you see it, you make a beeline for it and like to put your finger in it.
-You shiver when you pee. At least I always know when I have to change your diaper.
-You like to clutch my arm as you fall asleep. Actually, I think any body part will do, so long as you have skin-to-skin contact with me. There have been a few times when we were lying next to each other in bed and you fell asleep with your hand pressed against my chest or, more disturbingly, on my throat.
-You look so dazed and confused when you wake up from a nap. And your hair is always sticking up every which way.
-You're a little piggy! It doesn't matter if you've already eaten a full meal. If you see me eating anything, you have to have some, too, and will tug on my clothes until I give you a bite of food.
-If I give you a damp towel, you'll use it to wipe your high chair tray or the tabletop. Anytime you want to help me clean is fine with me!
-Sometimes when you cry, you flap both of your arms up and down, as if you're trying to fly away. And since you don't actually fly away, you look a lot like a penguin.
-You are such a social butterfly. Whenever we go to Gymboree for your music classes or free play time, you like to crawl up to other babies and try to hold their hands.
-When you walk, you often take five or six steps and then stop and squat for a few seconds before you stand up straight again and walk a few more steps. Are you resting or exercising?
-You always get a big cheesy grin on your face when you see your own reflection in the mirror. Even you think you are super cute!
I love every single adorable thing about you!